Practising Mindfulness In Social Media
There’s a lot of conversations revolving around mindfulness nowadays and it is like so for a reason. We live in a fast paced lifestyle where optimum efficiency, high productivity, effective time management and convenience are the be-all and end-all of things. We work whilst we eat, talk whilst we drive, text whilst hanging out with get the picture. With the rise of Instagram and Facebook, self-esteem is now much lower as people tend to compare themselves with the highlight reels of the people they follow.
On another hand, at work, flexibility and multitasking seem to be the buzz words. We either feel the need or are expected to answer e-mails or Whatsapp messages from our colleagues at night or on weekends. Some of us even work on our presentations or reports during a team meeting. Work-ception is a thing? Burnout, stress and fatigue are very common amongst all of us and the sad thing is, these have become a new normal.
Working in social media means I am no stranger to the black hole of news feeds and the never-ending urge to check your phone for messages every 2 minutes. So when I caught myself going on and off different apps without a clear intention, I knew I had to take a step back and reevaluate how I use technology and the internet for my own benefit.

Here are a few things that I’ve tried:
1 - Limit your screen time.
As a social media manager, I HAVE to be always on. I have to constantly respond to messages, engage with people and figure out what other brands are doing to keep their content fly. But let’s be real here, being locked to your screen an unhealthy practise. Instead, set some chunks of time throughout the day when you can be focused on engaging to your online community or finding inspiration. You can also try entirely disconnecting from your phone for a few hours to a day. You will realise that because you have consciously dedicated your time and focus to social media alone in contrast to mindlessly using it in between or during other tasks, you will find it to be a more enjoyable and interesting experience.
Action plan for business owners: Schedule your social media use on specific times of the day.
2 - Filter your feed.
Your social media feed defines what information you consume. Take the time to unfollow those who regularly complains or posts negative content and follow those accounts that bring you inspiration, new knowledge and positivity. Connect with like-minded people who share your interests and say goodbye to those that doesn’t add value to your life. Interested in taking better photos? Follow different photographers, restaurants, cafés, etc. who you can draw inspiration from. On the other hand, choose to post more positive or helpful content yourself.
Action plan for business owners: Go through the accountd you follow and ask yourself: “does this account spark inspiration? Does it bring insights? Does it bring value to my life or brand?” If it doesn’t tick any of those points, hit the unfollow button.
3 - Practise non-judgement.
No matter how perfect everything on your feed seems to be, never compare yourself or your work to someone else’s. Allow yourself to be inspired by them but remember that you have a different mind, a different set of experiences and a different life from the other people you follow. Remember, the number of likes, views or followers don’t matter. How you value yourself is much more important than the “validation” you get from vanity metrics. Be true to who you are then work towards being a better you.
Action plan for business owners: Focus on the quality of conversations with your community instead of getting caught up with the number of likes and always remind yourself of what your brand is all about.
4 - Stop. Reread. Absorb. Understand. Think.
People use social media to voice out their opinions or share news & articles that if you’re not too familiar about certain topics, your judgement might get easily swayed by what other people say or do. Learn how to digest information properly and do your own research if you stumble upon something which you’re uninformed about.
Action plan for business owners: Before jumping on the bandwagon about political and social issues, do your homework and talk about your stance on the situation with your team. Where do you stand? Is it necessary for you to post about it or make a statement? Why or why not?

5 - Turn off notifications.
This has been a game changer for me. I turn on the Do Not Disturb feature on my iPhone a few hours before going to bed and I have disabled the auto-update on my e-mails. These little red dots and high-pitched pings may give you the irresistible urge to reach for your phone. Set yourself up for success and minimise what you can.
action plan for business owners: Disable notifications for some or all social media accounts. I know, I goes beyond the social media commandments but trust me on this.
6 - Set your intention.
Just as with the other aspects of your life, identify your reasons behind using social media before reaching for your phone. This will give you a sense of direction instead of mindlessly scrolling through your feed just because you have the time to do so.
Action plan for business owners: Before reaching for your mobile, decide what you want to achieve: listening & engaging with your community? finding inspiration? posting your content?